Leighton General Hospital Neo Natal Unit
artificial grass courtyard



Grass Choice

Delemere 30mm

Area Size


Main Reason for AG


Leighton Neo-Natal

We installed a new play area in the courtyard of the Neo-Natal unit at Leighton General Hospital. The old courtyard was a bare full tarmac area that was not very pleasant to be in. We decided to split the area into two sections.

One area was resurfaced with patterned wetpour. This surface is both safer and brighter than the original tarmac. It also allows patients’ beds or chains to be wheeled outside with ease so they can still spend some time outdoors. We installed some mushrooms stools for the children to sit on and some play-panels to make the area more interesting than just plain walls.


The second area was using one of our luxury artificial grasses. This brightens up the area and gives some contrast to the darker wetpour. This gives children a safe and clean area to play in. The table and bench gives the nurses and parents somewhere to sit to keep an eye on the kids. The staff have also been using the area on their breaks to get some fresh air and give their feet a much needed rest.


We were delighted that we could transform this area and provide the patients, staff and parents visiting the Neo Natal ward a clean, safe outdoor area to use.



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Approximate Size