Some of you may know some may not, but AstroTurf is a trade mark name based in the USA, and not another word for Artificial Grass. It’s a specific grass created by The Monsanto Company. Let’s look at how this came about and when it was created.
The story of AstroTurfâ„¢
The year was 1965, and an American company called Monsanto, had created the first artificial grass. Soon after this in 1967, Monsanto patented it under the name “ChemGrass”. ChemGrass was first made famous in 1965, when it was installed in the Houston Astro Drome.
As a result of where it became popular Chemgrass was often referred to and later renamed (and reparented) under the name AstroTurfâ„¢ after the ‘Astrodome’. The advantages of fake grass have stayed the same, as a low maintenance alternative. However nowadays it looks 100x better than bake in the 60s.
Since the original AstroTurfâ„¢, artificial grass has come leaps and bounds not only in sports, but residential homes too. Just take a look at some of these installs that we did. It’s safe to say having artificial grass no longer looks like you got your inspiration from a local green grocers.

Some facts about AstroTurfâ„¢
The Monsanto Company also were a part of many other things. Such as the well-known weed killer “Roundup”. They are also one of the world’s largest producers of genetically modified grass seed and the first company to mass produce LEDs in 1968. Additionally, they were one of the leading producers of Agent Orange, a poison that was used by the USA during the Vietnam war.
When ChemGrass was initially installed, the grounds people would dress up as astronauts between each inning and use vacuum cleaners to keep the turf debris free during the game.
Disclaimer: Cheshire Artificial Grass are Not associated with the AstroTurfâ„¢ brand. While a lot of people use it as a term for artificial grass, it is a trademark as you hopefully now know the story of how it came about.